The Psychology of a Smart Diet

Do you pinch snacks in your mouth while you're at the PC, barely seeing the taste or the amount of food you eat? In spite of what you think is wrong, do not you do everything on your plate? The outbuildings that make it difficult to remove those extra pounds have been so awesome that you do not even notice them. The uplifting news: experts say it is possible to confer new habits when the old ones are so deeply rooted. It is also essential to find out how these old examples can be broken and better replaced is the key to a successful eating routine. Far superior message: Over time, these sound plans will become an element of your life, they will be natural. This means that you can lose weight and lose weight. Including seven therapist tips to prepare not to overdo it.

A weakening would be ideal.

"Eating less often makes it less of a problem in your life," says James Rosen, Ph.D., a neuroscience educator and head of the University of Vermont's weight management program. "Contrary to popular belief, touching or taking a few small meals and snacks all day long is certainly not a decent way to get in shape for people with back problems, the more you eat, the more you expect the food is available and you believe that you can eat at any time and wherever you are - do not eat in the middle, no matter how big the bite is. "

Pronounce a non-food zone.

"Sit comfortably in the dining areas of your home with your coffee table and proclaim different places without food areas," says Rosen. If you tend to eat in your car, in front of the television or on a computer, you have to set up these no-go zones to food, whatever your good mood. If you are preparing for the meal, you will learn how to control the cravings for eating outside the usual holidays. "

Remember location, location, location.

"Make sure you have dinner in a particular place," suggests Robert Jamison, Ph.D., a clinical therapist and associate professor of anesthesiology and psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "If you aspire, show that you can have everything you want and that you have to eat it in a place as strange as the laundry or the carport, where the daily requirements are not trivial, as the sofa of the room of TV." In case you need this sundae, you can eat it but eat it in the carport, "says Jamison. It will not be so much fun, so you can stop and think about eating something. "Because of your desire to be impatient, to have a busy day and to feel that you deserve it, or because you are watching your favorite show, the more likely you are to make changes."

Establish policies and stick to them.

"To keep a strategic distance from calories, you can simply set a criterion: never eat anything unless you get it or ask for it," says Jamison. "In this way, you do not have to torment yourself every time someone brings cakes to work." also birthday parties, farewell parties, Valentine's Day, scouting season, Halloween ...

Eat a dessert first.

Do you usually promise to skip the dessert, but in any case, ask for it as soon as the waiter brings the pastry menu? Judith S. Stern, Sc.D., an educator specializing in nutrition and insider trading at the University of California and Vice President of the American Obesity Association, says, "If you're not likely to eat a dessert, eat it before. " Why? "Because of the so-called Thanksgiving dinner effect, they are full and you can not eat snacks anymore, no turkey - but then sweetness comes, and of course you can find some room for a little pumpkin pie. So, do not try to Stay away from the inevitable, eat pastries and charge less for the rest of your dinner.

Exercise before dinner.

"Practicing also helps alleviate your hunger, so if you need to do nothing, practice before dinner," says James O. Prochaska, Ph.D., a clinical and well-being analyst, inventor of Changing for Good. and the executive officer of the Cancer Prevention Research Center at the University of Rhode Island. "One of the reasons why weight loss is so intense is that it does not have any lonely behavior, it's the amount we eat and the number of calories we ignite, the most commonly recognized slips are trying to get calories to reduce without working. " out."

You have your entire dinner under control.

"In case you need to get thinner, the most important component is not what you eat - it's the amount you eat," Dr. George L. Blackburn, Partner Executive of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School. "Individuals do not understand how much food they eat and how quickly they eat it in. To get a sense of the amount you should eat, put your hand on your plate and perceive how Many palm or one serving of meat, fish or poultry is about the size of your palm, your closed hand is the volume of a cup of pasta or rice Remember that you have your estimate Take the device with you wherever you go Also, make sure that there are twenty minutes between the start and part of the bargain, regardless of whether you need to get up and leave the table somewhere between the first and last nibble. "

Eat carefully.

"Another source of pampering is the feverish pace of life that everyone is facing," said Michael Lowe, a professor of clinical brain research and well-being at MCP Hahnemann University in Philadelphia. "We're getting ready and eating becomes an idea in the aftermath, we just grab food items on the way, so take a leisurely 30 minutes to have a quiet, laid back and committed meal." Careful food - if you think carefully about what you are done you want to eat and eat the amount you eat, and when you start to feel full, it's tedious to grab what you can discover and eat it in front of the TV before you leave the entrance to a gathering "

Stay positive.

"Examine how you eat and exercise, and adopt altruistic and tolerant behavior," says Dan Kirschenbaum, Ph.D., director of the Center for Behavioral Medicine in Chicago and pedagogue for psychiatry and behavioral science at Northwestern University. "Do not try to be moral, if you eat a little bit of chocolate cake, do not look at it as 'Duping', instead focus on staying positive and consider your behavior as a subject that needs to be lit, not as one Ethical Crime Food is your typical reaction to impulses It is difficult to break up examples and constantly defend against them Of course, do not give up, be satisfied with your progress. "     

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